Tanya Jawab Covid-19 | Covid19.go.id

Q & A COVID-19

The combination of booster vaccines currently being given is based on the considerations of domestic and foreign researchers and has been confirmed by the POM and ITAGI, including:

  • For targets with the primary vaccine, Sinovac can be given half the dose of Astra Zeneca (0.25 ml), or half the dose of Pfizer (0.15 ml), or the full dose of Moderna (0.5 ml), or the full dose of Sinopharm (0.5 ml). dose), or the full dose of Sinovac (0.5 ml), or the full dose of Zifivax (0.5 ml)
  • For targets with the primary Astra Zeneca vaccine, the full dose of Astra Zeneca (0.5 ml), or half the dose of Pfizer (0.15 ml), or half the dose of Moderna (0.25 ml) can be given.
  • For targets with the Pfizer primary vaccine, the full dose of Pfizer (0.3 ml), or the half dose of Moderna (0.25 ml), or the full dose of Astra Zeneca (0.5 ml) can be given.
  • For targets with the Moderna primary vaccine can be given half the dose of Moderna (0.25 ml)
  • For targets with the Janssen primary vaccine (J&) can be given half the dose of Moderna (0.25 ml)
  • For targets with the primary Sinopharm vaccine, the full dose of Sinopharm (0.5 ml) or the full dose of Zifivax (0.5 ml) can be given.

If there is a new follow-up dose regimen, it will be delivered later.

*Policy development 28 May 2022

Can not. The schedule listed in the PeduliLindung application has been adjusted to government regulations that require a minimum of 3 months from the second dose.

source: Ministry of Health

Should not. Vaccination is a requirement for activities in public spaces and has been integrated with the PeduliLindung application, make sure not to use other people's NIK and cellphone numbers when registering for booster vaccinations to avoid administrative problems in the future.

source: Ministry of Health

There is no time limit, but you are advised to immediately take a booster vaccination when the third vaccination ticket appears on the PeduliLindungi application to get maximum protection and be able to move more safely and comfortably.

source: Ministry of Health

Currently booster vaccination is only for Indonesian citizens (WNI) who have received complete primary vaccination.

source: Ministry of Health

Omicron (B.1.1.529) is one of the new variants/derivatives of the COVID-19 virus which was first reported in South Africa. This virus has a more infectious nature and affects the immune system (both acquired by natural infection and vaccination).

As long as the virus is still circulating in the community, it can cause the virus to evolve. This evolution can cause changes in the nature and character of the original virus. For example changes in the speed of transmission, effects on the immune system, severity, diagnosis and response to drugs.

Information will continue to be updated in line with research or investigations that continue to be carried out to understand the nature and character of this virus, especially to anticipate the possibility of the emergence of other new variants and reduce the impact of the pandemic.

source: Ministry of Health

The risk of hospitalization for the Omicron variant is lower than for the Delta variant. The Omicron variant can still cause severe symptoms and death, especially in vulnerable people such as the elderly, having comorbidities and people who have not been vaccinated.

However, with a higher transmission rate, if it is not controlled, more people will become infected and require medical treatment (self-isolation/centralized/hospital) so that it can burden the health system.

source: Ministry of Health

PCR and RDT-Antigen examinations are still able to diagnose COVID-19, including the Omicron variant. To confirm the variant, it is necessary to do a whole genome sequencing (WGS) examination.

source: Ministry of Health

The best effort that can be done at this time to avoid the risk of transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is to be disciplined in implementing health protocols, including:

  • Using masks properly
  • Maintain physical distance
  • Washing hands
  • Avoid crowded places, closed spaces with poor ventilation
  • Avoid the crowd
  • Reduce non-urgent mobility
  • Immediate vaccination
  • Maintain immunity with adequate rest, physical activity and others

source: Ministry of Health

Immediately self-isolate at home. Currently, the Ministry of Health provides online consultation services (teleconsultation) and free drug packages. If you are positive for COVID-19, you can access the service in the following ways:

  1. Wait for the official WhatsApp from the Ministry of Health (green tick) or check eligibility independently via isoman.kemkes.go.id
  2. If registered, you can consult a doctor at a telemedicine service provider (PLT) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health by entering the ISOMAN voucher code
  3. The doctor will triage and give a digital prescription according to the patient's condition at the end of the consultation session
  4. Digital recipes can be redeemed for free by filling out the required form and data at isoman.kemkes.go.id/tebusresep
  5. Medicines and vitamins will be sent to your address by Sicepat from Kimia Farma Pharmacy

PLTs that work with the Ministry of Health in providing teleconsultation services and free COVID-19 drug packages are Alodokter, Getwell, Good Doctor, Grabhealth, Halodoc, KlikDokter, KlinikGo, LinkSehat, Milvik Dokter, ProSehat, SehatQ, YesDok, Aido Health, Homecare24, Lekasehat, mDoc, Trustmedis, and Vascular.

If symptoms worsen while you are self-isolating, immediately come to the nearest health facility for further treatment.

source: Ministry of Health

Important Info