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Q & A COVID-19

Drop Out Vaccines are targets who have not received complete primary vaccinations according to the schedule. The number of injections and the interval between the second dose can be different for each type of vaccine.

Therefore, according to ITAGI recommendations on February 11, 2022, the Drop Out Vaccine target is recommended to get dose 2 so that optimal protection against COVID-19 can be achieved.

source: Ministry of Health

Vaccine participants can get the same type of vaccine or different from the dose 1 according to the availability of the vaccine at the health facility.

If the participant vaccinates the second dose more than 6 months after the first dose is given, then the vaccine is restarted from dose 1 (drop out) because the immunity produced is already very low.

source: Ministry of Health

Free booster vaccine for all community.

source: Kemenkes

You can get a booster vaccine after 3 months of getting a second dose of vaccine. Vaccination schedules and tickets will appear in the PeduliLindungi application under the "Vaccination Status & Covid-19 Test Results" menu.

The general public over 18 years old can check tickets and start vaccination schedules on the PeduliLindungi website and application. The ticket can be used at the nearest health facility or vaccination center at the scheduled start of the third vaccination (at least 3 months after the second dose of vaccination).

Through the website, the public can visit pedulilindungi.id and check the status and vaccination tickets by entering “Full Name” and “NIK”, then click check. If through the PeduliLindung application, the public can follow these steps:

  • Open the PeduliLindungi application
  • Login with registered account
  • Click the "Profile" menu and select "Vaccination Status & Covid-19 Test Results"
  • The booster vaccination status and schedule will appear in your account
  • To check tickets, go to the menu "History and Vaccine Tickets"

The public cannot choose the type of booster vaccination. The type of booster has been determined according to the regimen determined by the Government and can be accessed here.. The type of vaccine will be determined by the health worker based on the history of vaccine doses 1 and 2 as well as the availability of the vaccine at the service site.

source: Ministry of Health

You can check the location and type of vaccine needed through the PeduliLindungi application in the "Covid-19 Vaccine" menu, the "Vaccine Location" feature . The type of vaccine can be selected and is the data on the type of vaccine available in the last 2 weeks. It is recommended to contact the health facilities first regarding the availability of vaccines before visiting the health facilities.

source: Ministry of Health

Currently, Gotong Royong Vaccination participants are recommended to participate in a booster vaccination program in the Gotong Royong program as well. Please contact company HR or call 1500810 or [email protected].

source: Ministry of Health

Can not. Currently, the 3rd booster vaccination is prioritized for Indonesian citizens who have just received a complete primary vaccination.

source: Ministry of Health

Everyone has the right to get a booster vaccine. However, for the first stage, booster vaccination for the general public is intended for the elderly (elderly) and vulnerable groups (immunocompromised patients).

source: Kemenkes

Important Info