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Q & A COVID-19

There are several things that are considered by the Government in banning Eid homecoming in 2021, namely:

  1. Learning from the experience of the long holidays in 2020 and 2021, there is a trend of increasing new cases after the long holiday, the numbers vary from 37% to 119%. Each spike in cases is also followed by an increase in the death rate.
  2. Maintaining the trend of new cases of covid-19 which for the last two months began to decline in addition to people recovering from covid which also increased.
  3. Older people are more at risk of being exposed to Covid-19, have a risk of death many times higher than younger people. In addition, people with comorbid (high risk) also have a greater risk of death. Remember, homecoming means returning to your hometown, meeting parents/elderly relatives, who have a higher risk of exposure and death. Travelers with OTG have a high risk of transmitting it to older people.
  4. There is a very significant increase in fish cases and the potential for new variants in other countries such as India, Argentina, Turki and several European countries..

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

The government through the Covid 19 Handling Task Force issued SE Task Force No. 13 regarding the Elimination of Homecoming for Eid Al-Fitr in 1442 H and Efforts to Control the Spread of Covid 19 during the Holy Month of Ramadan 1442 H (SE Task Force No. 13), which essentially is the elimination of homecoming and travel conditions that are still pending. permitted during the travel ban.

As a follow-up, the Ministry of Transportation issued Minister of Transportation Regulation (PM) No. 13 of 2021 concerning Transportation Control During the Eid Al-Fitr 1442 H Period in the Context of Preventing the Spread of Covid 19.

The contents of PM No. 13 in essence are:

  • Control of transportation during the period of eliminating homecoming by prohibiting the use or operation of transportation facilities for the purposes of homecoming
  • Transportation will still operate for the following activities:
    • NON-homecoming activities as stipulated in SE Task Force no 13
    • Freight Transportation / Logistics
    • Travel in the Agglomeration region

In addition, an Addendum to the SE Task Force No. 13 has also been published which contains:

  1. Added exceptions for passengers who are still allowed to travel
  2. Passenger travel requirements before and after the homecoming ban period (before 6 May and after 17 May 2021).

This addendum was issued due to the high interest of the people who want to go home before and on May 6 and return to their home areas after May 17, 2021. So that on D-14 and D+14 after the homecoming ban, the Covid 19 Task Force will also tighten travel conditions.

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

All members of the public are prohibited from going home, including ASN, TNI, Polri, BUMN employees, BUMD employees and private employees and the general public.

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

Yes, non-homecoming passenger travel is still permitted, such as:

  1. ASN, BUMN employees, BUMD employees, Polri, TNI, private employees who go on official trips. Must bring and complete a letter of assignment with a wet signature and wet stamp from the head of the respective agency or company.
  2. Visits to sick family members, visits to mourning family members who died, pregnant women with one companion, the importance of giving birth to a maximum of two companions, and emergency health services . There must be information from the lurah or local village head.
  3. Indonesian migrant workers and students or students abroad , or repatriation of people with special reasons from the government to their area of ​​origin in accordance with applicable regulations.
  4. People with certain interests who are not going home accompanied by a certificate from the local Village Head/Lurah.

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

Certain non-homecoming interests are interests that are not included in the criteria in 4a, b and c. For example: informal workers who do not have a boss, have to return to their hometown because there is no more work so they have to return to their hometown. So he can still homecoming by asking for a certificate from the village head or local lurah.

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

That is why travelers for certain non-homecoming purposes (as in point 4.d) must bring a certificate from the local village head or lurah. This letter will be checked by supervisory officers in the field.

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

Tours are limited to only 50% capacity. Inter-city tourism is not recommended and it is hoped that people will continue to limit travel.

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

  1. Transportation operations are still running for CARGO/GOODS transportation and serving community members who carry out NON-homecoming activities or are included in the exception as in point 4 above.
  2. As for the interest of Homecoming, transportation in all sub-sectors is prohibited from operating, both for public and private vehicles.

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

  • The government has never issued the term local homecoming. This term emerged from the media and society itself. In the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 13 of 2021, there are several agglomeration and urban areas that are exempt from the travel ban for homecoming for the period 6-17 May 2021.
  • Why is the agglomeration area not banned for community movement and transportation? Because in this agglomeration and urban area, there is daily mobility across regencies and provinces by the community which is routinely and intensively carried out on a daily basis such as for work, economic, social and so on. During the homecoming ban on May 6-17, there are still active working days (only 2 days of collective leave) so that work and other economic activities will continue. So that there is no prohibition of movement or transportation operations.
  • The government still urges the people in the agglomeration areas to continue to limit their mobility, not to travel first. Gathering is also recommended to be done online. Face-to-face meetings with older family members are at risk of transmitting COVID-19.

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

  • There will be a reduction in the fleet, frequency, and capacity of public transportation. So it is hoped that the community will limit movement because the availability of public transportation has been reduced.
  • In addition, the supervision of health protocols in transportation infrastructure and facilities will also increase.
  • In addition, the local government will also make community arrangements in their respective regions.
  • Tourist areas will also be limited in capacity to 50% and strict health protocol supervision will be carried out

source: http://s.id/tidakmudik2021

Important Info