COVID-19 Vaccine - en |

About COVID-19 Vaccine

What is Vaccination

Vaccination is the administration of vaccines in order to actively generate or increase a person's immunity against a disease, so that if one day they are exposed to the disease, they will not get sick or only experience mild illness and will not become a source of transmission.

COVID-19 vaccination services are carried out at Health Service Facilities owned by the Central Government, Provincial Governments, Regency/City Governments or owned by the public/private sector that meet the requirements, including:

  • Puskesmas, Puskesmas Pembantu
  • Clinic
  • Hospital and/or
  • Health Service Unit at the Port Health Office (KKP)
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District/City Health Offices and Puskesmas can also establish COVID-19 vaccination service posts. It is recommended that each target seek information in advance regarding the service schedule of each health service facility or vaccination service post.

How can Vaccines work in the body to protect us?

  • Vaccines are biological products that are given to a person to protect him or her from a debilitating, even life-threatening disease.
  • Vaccines will stimulate the formation of immunity against certain diseases in a person's body.
  • The body will remember the virus or disease-causing bacteria, recognize and know how to fight it.
Lawan Covid19

List of COVID-19 Vaccines Used in Indonesia

In the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination program in Indonesia, the government strives for the availability of vaccines to be fulfilled for at least 208,265,720 of the population to achieve group immunity.

These vaccine procurement efforts are carried out through bilateral agreements and multilateral agreements such as the COVAX Facility with GAVI and WHO, or donations provided by friendly countries.

The Indonesian Food and Drug Administration has granted emergency use permits for 10 types of COVID-19 vaccines, namely Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna, Pfizer, Novavax, Sputnik-V, Janssen, Convidencia, and Zifivax.

Each of these types of vaccines has a mechanism for its own administration, from the number of doses, the interval of administration, to different vaccine platforms, namely inactivated virus, RNA-based, viral-vector, and protein sub-units.

*The vaccines provided are vaccines that have been confirmed to be safe and effective.

COVID-19 Vaccine (Vero Cell) Inactivated, CoronaVac® is an inactivated vaccine against COVID-19 that stimulates the immune system without the risk of causing disease. Once this inactivated vaccine comes into contact with the immune system, antibody production is stimulated, so the body is ready to respond to infection with live SARS-CoV-2. This vaccine contains an adjuvant (aluminum hydroxide), to strengthen the immune system response.
The ChAdOx1-S/nCoV-19 vaccine is a non-replicating adenovirus vector vaccine for COVID-19. The vaccine expresses the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein gene, which instructs the host cell to produce an S-antigen protein unique to SARS-CoV-2, so that the body can generate an immune response and store that information in memory immune cells. Efficacy in clinical trials in participants who received the full course of the vaccine (two doses) in the UK, Brazil, and South Africa regardless of the dose interval was 61%, with a median follow-up period of 80 days, but tends to be higher if this interval is longer. . Additional data from interim analyzes of clinical trials in the United States showed a vaccine efficacy of 76% against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine is a messenger RNA (mRNA) based vaccine for COVID-19. The host cell receives instructions from the mRNA to produce the unique S-antigen protein SARS-CoV-2, so that the body can generate an immune response and store that information in memory immune cells. Efficacy according to clinical trials in participants who received the full dose of this vaccine (two doses) and had an initial SARS-CoV-2 negative status was approximately 94% with a median follow-up period of nine weeks. All data reviewed support the conclusion that the known and potential benefits of the mRNA-1273 vaccine outweigh the known and potential risks.
The SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell) is an inactivated vaccine against COVID-19 that stimulates the immune system without the risk of causing disease. Once this inactivated vaccine comes into contact with the immune system, antibody production is stimulated, so the body is ready to respond to infection with live SARS-CoV-2. This vaccine contains an adjuvant (aluminum hydroxide), to strengthen the immune system response. A large phase 3 clinical trial demonstrated that two doses at 21-day intervals had 79% efficacy against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection 14 days or more after the second dose. These clinical trials are neither designed nor robust enough to demonstrate efficacy against severe disease.
COMIRNATY® is a messenger RNA (mRNA) based vaccine for COVID-19. The mRNA instructs the cell to produce an S-antigen protein (part of the spike protein) unique to SARS-CoV-2 to stimulate an immune response. In clinical trials, efficacy in participants with or without evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and who received the full dose of this vaccine (two doses) was estimated at 95% with a median follow-up period of two months.

Question and Answer

The Central MUI Fatwa Commission has determined that the CoronaVac vaccine produced by Sinovac Lifescience Co, whose certification was submitted by PT Biofarma as a vaccine manufacturer that will produce the COVID-19 vaccine, in consortium with Sinovac, is holy and halal.

As for the COVID-19 vaccine produced by AstraZeneca, the MUI Fatwa Commission determined that its use is permissible (mubah) due to emergency conditions and other considerations.

For other COVID-19 vaccines, the Government and pharmaceutical manufacturers in Indonesia continue to involve the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH), the Assessment Institute for Food, Drugs and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM-MUI) and the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council in the process of testing the halal aspects of the COVID-19 vaccine that will be developed and presented.

Sebelum Vaksinasi COVID-19

Jika Anda termasuk golongan yang diprioritaskan untuk mendapatkan vaksin, ada beberapa hal yang sebaiknya dilakukan dan dipersiapkan sebelum menjalani vaksinasi COVID-19, antara lain:

1. Hindari konsumsi minuman yang mengandung alkohol

Kebiasaan mengonsumsi minuman beralkohol bisa melemahkan daya tahan tubuh. Bila Anda sudah dijadwalkan mendapatkan vaksin COVID-19, hindari minuman beralkohol setidaknya 2 hari sebelum vaksinasi hingga sekitar 2 minggu setelahnya.

Hal ini penting dilakukan agar sistem imun Anda tetap kuat dan dapat menghasilkan reaksi kekebalan tubuh yang baik untuk mencegah infeksi virus Corona.

2. Hindari olahraga berlebihan

Rutin berolahraga baik untuk menjaga tubuh tetap sehat dan bugar. Olahraga juga perlu dilakukan sebelum mendapatkan vaksin, karena kebiasaan ini baik untuk membantu daya tahan tubuh tetap kuat.

Namun, Anda disarankan untuk tidak melakukan aktivitas berat atau olahraga secara berlebihan, karena hal ini justru bisa menyebabkan penurunan daya tahan tubuh.

Agar lebih sehat dan aman, lakukan olahraga setidaknya 20–30 menit setiap hari atau minimal 3–5 kali per minggu.

3. Cukupi kebutuhan nutrisi

Agar daya tahan tubuh tetap terjaga, Anda disarankan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi, seperti protein, vitamin, dan mineral, selama 1 minggu sebelum dan setelah mendapatkan vaksin.

Selain melalui konsumsi makanan bergizi, menjaga kekuatan sistem imun juga dapat dilakukan dengan mengonsumsi suplemen tambahan. Dengan demikian, tubuh dapat menciptakan reaksi kekebalan yang baik terhadap penyakit COVID-19.

4. Tidur yang cukup

Beberapa hari sebelum disuntik vaksin COVID-19, usahakan untuk tidak begadang dan cukupi waktu istirahat dengan tidur selama 7–9 jam setiap malamnya.

Jika Anda sulit terlelap, coba praktikkan sleep hygiene, misalnya dengan mematikan telepon genggam dan peralatan elektronik lainnya paling tidak 1 jam sebelum Anda tidur.

5. Jalani pengobatan dari dokter

Bagi yang memiliki penyakit kronis, seperti tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes, atau infeksi HIV, Anda tetap disarankan untuk menjalani pengobatan dari dokter sebelum mendapatkan vaksin COVID-19.

Salah satu syarat untuk mendapatkan vaksin COVID-19 bagi penderita penyakit kronis adalah jika kondisinya sehat dan terkontrol dengan pengobatan.

Bagi pasien diabetes, vaksin COVID bisa diperoleh jika kadar HbA1C berada di bawah 58 mmol/mol atau 7,5%. Sementara pada pasien HIV, vaksin COVID-19 baru bisa diberikan jika jumlah sel darah putih CD4 lebih dari 200.

Agar lebih aman, orang yang memiliki penyakit kronis sebaiknya berkonsultasi ke dokter terlebih dahulu sebelum mendapatkan vaksin COVID-19.

Mengonsumsi obat-obat tertentu, seperti ibuprofen dan paracetamol, sebelum vaksinasi diduga dapat mengurangi kerja vaksin dan menurunkan respons sistem imun tubuh terhadap vaksin. Dokter akan menilai perlu tidaknya penggunaan suatu obat dihentikan sebelum pemberian vaksin.

6. Informasikan kondisi kesehatan diri

Beri tahu dokter atau petugas vaksinasi COVID-19 mengenai kondisi kesehatan Anda saat hendak divaksin, seperti:

  • Demam
  • Riwayat alergi terhadap vaksin
  • Penyakit tertentu, seperti kelainan darah, penyakit autoimun, penyakit kardiovaskular, diabetes, HIV, gangguan ginjal, atau penyakit liver
  • Konsumsi obat-obatan tertentu
  • Hamil atau berencana hamil
  • Masa menyusui

A vaccine is not a cure. Vaccines encourage the formation of specific immunity to the COVID-19 disease in order to avoid contracting or possibly getting seriously ill.

As long as a safe and effective vaccine has not been found, the protective measures we can take are the 3M discipline: Wearing masks properly, maintaining distance and staying away from crowds, and washing hands with running water and soap.

In the initial stage, COVID-19 vaccination will be intended for the frontline with high risk, namely health workers and public service workers. Then gradually it will be expanded in line with the availability of vaccines and licenses, namely BPJS contribution assistance recipients, and other community groups.

Regarding the detailed phased vaccination planning, the government is currently developing a roadmap that will explain the mechanism for implementing the COVID-19 vaccination as a whole.

Important Info