[FALSE] In Germany Vaccinated People Are Prohibited from Buying and Driving a Car | Covid19.go.id
[FALSE] In Germany Vaccinated People Are Prohibited from Buying and Driving a Car

Mochamad Marcell's fact check results

The claim is false, in fact the German Ministry of Transport disputes the claim. There is no change in the rules regarding the ban on driving for those who have been vaccinated, this claim is baseless.

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Category: Misleading Content

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Source: Facebook


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“Breaking: in Germany you are no longer allowed to buy a car if you have had the vaccine shot. This year, people who are vaccinated will also receive a letter from the insurance company that they are no longer insured. And no longer allowed to drive a car. It will be a great awakening in Germany."

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A news circulated on Twitter claiming that in Germany people who have been vaccinated are not allowed to drive a car, buy a car, and insurance companies will send letters to their vaccinated customers that the company will insure their vehicles again. This news circulated after hoaxes were spread that the German government had stopped giving Covid-19 vaccinations because they were considered unsafe and not recommended again.

After searching, the news is wrong. In fact, the news is fake news that has no basis in truth. Via AFP, Martina Thöne, a spokeswoman for the German Transport Ministry, said there were no plans to change the regulations for obtaining a driver's license or other driving rules for those who have already been vaccinated.

Also via AFP, Alexander Schnaars, spokesman for the German Automobile Association (ADAC), the largest automotive club in Germany, said that a driver's vaccination history does not prevent them from buying or driving a car. In addition, the German Insurance Federation (GDV) also denied that it would revoke vehicle insurance for customers who had been vaccinated.

Thus, in Germany, people who have been vaccinated are prohibited from driving a car, which is a hoax with the Misleading Content category.

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Editor: Bentang Febrylian

The post [SALAH] Di Jerman Orang yang Sudah Divaksin Dilarang Membeli dan Mengendarai Mobil appeared first on [TurnBackHoax].

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