[FALSE] “Dr Fauci Admits Vaccines Don't Protect Against Covid” | Covid19.go.id
[FALSE] “Dr Fauci Admits Vaccines Don't Protect Against Covid”

The results of the fact check Putri Lestari (Member of the Kalimasada Team)

Misleading Content. Dr Fauci said that while vaccines do not protect well against infection due to high transmission of the virus, they do protect quite well against severe disease that can result in hospitalization and death.

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Category : Misleading Content

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Source : Twitter


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Narration: “Fauci, the devil worshiper, role model for doctors – Doctor Ikhtiar; Admit Vaccines Don't Protect Covid
If I said he wanted to wash his hands against the effects of vaccines which resulted in many victims.. take notes

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Explanation :
The Twitter account @Reborn21s uploaded a tweet accompanied by an image of the NEWS PUNC article published on July 13, 2022 with the title "Fauci Eats Crow: Admits Vaccines 'Don't Protect Overly Well Against Covid Infection'". The image was uploaded on July 15, 2022, accompanied by a narrated tweet: “Fauci the Devil Worshiper Doctor Role model – Doctor Ikhtiar; Admits Vaccines Don't Protect Covid When I say he wants to wash his hands against the effects of vaccines that cause many victims... take notes "

Based on the search results, an article from NEWS PUNC discussed the interview between Dr. Anthony Fauci as Chief Medical Adviser of the White House with Neil Cavuto as host on Fox News' 'Your World' program which discusses the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine and the proportion of Americans who are vaccinated.

The narrative of the interview was cut, resulting in a misunderstanding that vaccines cannot protect against the Covid-19 virus. In the actual interview Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that based on data, vaccines do not protect well against infection due to high transmission of the virus, but vaccines can protect quite well against severe diseases that can result in hospitalization and death.
Based on an article reported by The Conversation, it was stated that the effectiveness of vaccines is influenced by several factors such as virus mutations, age, health problems, decreased immunity and new variants.

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Reference :



The post [SALAH] “Dr Fauci Akui Vaksin Tidak Melindungi Covid” appeared first on [TurnBackHoax].

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