Are there any exceptions? What are the criteria and conditions? |
Are there any exceptions? What are the criteria and conditions?

Yes, non-homecoming passenger travel is still permitted, such as:

  1. ASN, BUMN employees, BUMD employees, Polri, TNI, private employees who go on official trips. Must bring and complete a letter of assignment with a wet signature and wet stamp from the head of the respective agency or company.
  2. Visits to sick family members, visits to mourning family members who died, pregnant women with one companion, the importance of giving birth to a maximum of two companions, and emergency health services . There must be information from the lurah or local village head.
  3. Indonesian migrant workers and students or students abroad , or repatriation of people with special reasons from the government to their area of ​​origin in accordance with applicable regulations.
  4. People with certain interests who are not going home accompanied by a certificate from the local Village Head/Lurah.


Important Info