Can spraying disinfectant liquid protect me from coronavirus? |
Q & A COVID-19
Can spraying disinfectant liquid protect me from coronavirus?

Disinfectant can clean the virus on the surface of objects and NOT on the body or clothes and WILL NOT protect you from the virus if in close contact with a sick person.

Viruses are transferred through coughing/sneezing droplets from sick people that are then inhaled by others or stick to the surface of objects that are then touched and then enter through the eyes, nose or mouth of others.

Disinfectant liquid can clean viruses that stick to the surface of objects such as tables, door handles or light switches that are often touched by people.

Cleaning these surfaces is especially important if you are self-isolating at home and to use disinfectant, make sure you read the instructions on the product label.

Applying disinfectant directly to your body can be harmful.

Important Info