Layanan Info Faskes Vaksinasi |

Vaccination Health Facilities Info Service


Apa Itu Vaksinasi

Vaksinasi adalah pemberian Vaksin dalam rangka menimbulkan atau meningkatkan kekebalan seseorang secara aktif terhadap suatu penyakit, sehingga apabila suatu saat terpajan dengan penyakit tersebut tidak akan sakit atau hanya mengalami sakit ringan dan tidak menjadi sumber penularan.

Pelayanan vaksinasi COVID-19 dilaksanakan di Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan milik Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi, Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota atau milik masyarakat/swasta yang memenuhi persyaratan, meliputi:

  • Puskesmas, Puskesmas Pembantu
  • Klinik
  • Rumah Sakit dan/atau
  • Unit Pelayanan Kesehatan di Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan (KKP)

Reaksi Setelah Vaksinasi COVID-19

Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota dan Puskesmas juga dapat membuat pos pelayanan vaksinasi COVID-19. Dianjurkan agar setiap sasaran mencari informasi terlebih dahulu terkait jadwal layanan masing-masing fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan atau pos pelayanan vaksinasi.

Bagaimana Vaksin bisa bekerja di dalam tubuh untuk melindungi kita?

  • Vaksin adalah produk biologi yang diberikan kepada seseorang untuk melindunginya dari penyakit yang melemahkan, bahkan mengancam jiwa.
  • Vaksin akan merangsang pembentukan kekebalan terhadap penyakit tertentu pada tubuh seseorang.
  • Tubuh akan mengingat virus atau bakteri pembawa penyakit, mengenali dan tahu cara melawannya.
Lawan Covid19

Update Seputar Vaksinasi Covid-19

Q & A

Ministry of Health data shows that 70% of the 8,230 patients who died from COVID-19 had not received full vaccination.

This proves that complete and booster vaccination can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Come on, protect ourselves and the people around us, immediately vaccinate when it's our turn.

Booster vaccination can increase immunity up to 2x compared to the second dose of vaccination.

Boosters can protect the elderly and vulnerable/comorbid community groups from COVID-19 transmission.

Currently the stock of the COVID-19 vaccine for boosters is more than enough, let's hurry to get a booster if it's your turn.

a. Targets who drop out in less than six months can be given a second vaccine with a different type of vaccine according to availability in each region.

b. For targets who drop out within more than six months, the primary vaccination is resumed 2 times and the vaccination can use a different type of vaccine from the original vaccine.

c. Considering that currently the number of Sinovac vaccines that are distributed is limited and is intended for children aged 6-11 years, those who drop out can use different types of vaccines and are available to complete the second dose by prioritizing vaccines that have the closest expiration date.

Immediately complete the booster dose by coming to the nearest health facility. Check the nearest health facility at

Important Info