[FALSE] The Severe Harm the Covid-19 Vaccine Does to the Brain | Covid19.go.id
[FALSE] The Severe Harm the Covid-19 Vaccine Does to the Brain

Putri Lestari's fact check results.

Misleading content. The information that the Covid-19 vaccine is harmful to the brain is misleading, there is no evidence to support the claim. In fact, the Covid-19 vaccine has been clinically tested before being circulated.

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Category: Misleading Content

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SOURCE : Twitter

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Narrative :
Dr. Vernon Coleman explains the severe harm the Covid-19 Vaccine does to the Brain
"This is the scariest video I've ever made and probably the scariest video anyone has ever made. And it's all true."
– Dr. Vernon Coleman

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Explanation :

Twitter account 𝕎𝕠𝕟𝕘 ℕ𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕠 (@Angon_Kebo77) on January 12, 2023 tweeted a claim that Dr. Vernon Coleman explained the severe harm that the Covid-19 Vaccine does to the Brain. The account also quoted Dr. Vernon Coleman's statement with the narration: "This is the scariest video I've ever made and probably the scariest video anyone has ever made. And it's all true."

Reporting from a CNN Indonesia article, information about the Covid-19 vaccine can damage the human brain is a hoax. Bimo A. Tejo, Associate Professor and Researcher in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Universiti Putra Malaysia, said that the virus that attacks the brain does exist, but not because of the vaccine or aluminum content. All vaccines that have received distribution permits have passed clinical trials. The aluminum salt content in the vaccine is so small that it is not harmful to the brain. Until now, no one has been able to prove that vaccines containing aluminum can attack the human brain.

According to Wikipedia, Vernon Coleman is a British conspiracy theorist, anti-vaccination activist, AIDS denier, blogger and novelist who writes about issues related to human, political and animal health.
Reporting from an Alodokter article entitled "Types of Brain Infections and Risk Factors", it is explained that there are a number of factors that can increase the risk of brain infections, namely having a weak immune system due to HIV / AIDS, side effects of chemotherapy, diabetes, alcohol addiction or drug abuse, infections in the teeth and sinus cavity, have not been vaccinated, have a head injury, and are over 60 years old.

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Reference :

The post [SALAH] Bahaya Parah yang Dilakukan Vaksin Covid-19 pada Otak appeared first on [TurnBackHoax].

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